Showing posts with label digital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital. Show all posts

Illustration Friday - stripes

broadclub cuttlefish animated gif

I saw a great documentary on tv called 'Cuttlefish - Kings of Camouflage'.

One of the cuttlefish featured in the documentary was a Broadclub Cuttlefish which has the remarkable ability to bamboozle its prey with a crazy strobing stripe pattern. Truly bizzare stuff.

If you want to see a real one in action here's a link I found to a clip from the documentary.

Cuttlefish are so cool.

R :)

Illustration Friday - mesmerising deer-cat

Look into the eyes of the deer-cat. Look deep into its eyes. 

Feel the mesmerising power of the deer-cat. 
The deer-cat wants you to leave a comment. 
You know you will...

This is a scan of a stencil art Christmas card I sent to friends and family. The original had glow in the dark eyes! For this weeks illustration friday theme 'mesmerising' I scanned a print and gave it a slight animated tweak.

Its okay. The deer-cat says you can look away now.

narrative illustrations of a frog with a bouffant

cartoon illustration of frogs in a polluted pond

narrative illustration of a tadpole growing legs

cartoon illustration of a frog with a bouffantillustration of a frog

Narrative illustrations for a class room reader about Billy the frog who is worried the pollution in their pond will inhibit the growth of his legs. Its okay, his legs grow. Phew!

weekend pen and ink sketches

I spent some time on the weekend sketching random items from around the house. For a bit of fun I thought I might colour them and post them here.

illustrated rabbit skull views

pen and ink drawing of roses in a vase
 drawing of a safety razor

illustration of a waiters friend drawing of figs